NHS treatment - your rights - Rethink Mental Illness
This section is about your rights when you use NHS services. It explains how NHS staff should act towards you and what treatment you may get. This information is for people over 18 who are affected by mental illness in England. It is also for their loved ones and carers and anyone interested in this ...
What is Cobenfy? Also known as KarXT or xanomeline-trospium
This page gives information on Cobenfy, a ground-breaking new drug to treat schizophrenia. It has been licensed for use in the United States, but not yet in England. This information is for people who are 18 or over and affected by mental illness in England. Cobenfy is the first new medication for ...
Inquests - Rethink Mental Illness
Inquests. If your relative dies there may be an inquest into their death. This section explains what an inquest is, what it will be like and your rights during the investigation.
1 or to give someone release or escape.2 Some may find the physical pain of self harm distracts them from the emotional pain they are feeling.3 For some they may need to self harm to let other people know how they are feeling. 4 Others may feel it is the only way to feel in control of their body 5 or to punish themselves because they feel guilty.
Supported housing - For adults living with mental illness
Supported housing combines housing with support services. This can help people who live with mental illness to live as independently as possible. This section explains the different types of supported housing that may be available in your area. It …
David Richards and Mark Whyte 2011, 3rd edition
Self-Harm: Understanding Risks and Seeking Help - Rethink …
This section looks at what self-harm is and why you may self-harm. It could help if you are using self-harm to cope with how you’re feeling. Or if you are thinking about self-harming. It explains what support you can get and how to help yourself. This information is for adults in England. It’s ...
New survey reveals stark impact of NHS mental health treatment …
Jun 25, 2024 · The survey also indicates that challenges in accessing care do not end once someone has been seen by mental health services: 66 percent of people reported that they did not receive mental health support for a sufficient and appropriate time, and 35 percent said the support they received was too brief to be effective, often …
Second opinions - About your mental health diagnosis or treatment
Overview. In this information ‘your doctor’ means your GP or psychiatrist. Doctors can have different opinions, particularly in mental health.
Rethink Mental Illness
We improve the lives of people severely affected by mental illness. Because everyone deserves a good quality of life.