SOLUS Help | Queen's University
SOLUS is a Gaelic word that means "knowledge and light." It also stands for "Student On Line University System."The SOLUS Student Centre is the primary means by which online services are provided to students. Whether you are new to Queen’s, or are a returning student, you will access SOLUS for a variety of things – from checking your fees, …
English Proficiency Requirements - Queen's University
QBridge (English Language Bridging Pathway) is an English language pathway to Queen’s University for students who are academically competitive for admission to a Queen’s undergraduate degree program but who do not meet the required admission standard for English language proficiency. The QBridge programs ensure that students are linguistically, academically, and culturally prepared to ...
Campus Tours | Queen's University
Join our Campus Tour team for a guided virtual tour on Zoom to learn more about Queen's campus and student life! Current students will present a photo slideshow with campus information and their own experiences, followed by an opportunity for Q&A. Available virtual tour dates will be listed below with the corresponding registration link.
Undergraduate Admission - Queen's University
We are Queen's U . Queen’s University champions academic excellence, discovery, and innovation. Here, you will experience transformative education, immerse yourself in a vibrant and diverse community, and contribute to groundbreaking research that makes a real impact.
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology | Online Degree - Queen's University
Earn your Bachelor of Arts in Psychology fully online with Queen's University. Explore courses related to development, cognition, motivation, social behaviour and more in this online general BA.
International Students | Queen's University
What sets Queen’s University apart is our commitment to providing international students with an exceptional educational experience through academic excellence, comprehensive support services, and diverse opportunities for personal and professional development. Full guidelines for the approximate ...
Faculty of Arts and Science | Queen's University
Queen's University is one of Canada's top universities located in Ontario. Located in a small town, Kingston offers students a large city feel in such a small setting. The Faculty of Arts and Science is home to many international students from a wide range of countries. Undergraduate Degrees, Masters Degrees, International Studies, Field Studies and Transferring credits are …
Supplementary Information | Queen's University
Supplementary Application: The Supplementary Application consists of one written response and one video response. The Supplementary Application is delivered through Kira Talent, a new platform with additional functionality to allow applicants to practice and prepare for the submission of their Supplementary Application.
Arts and Science Online | Queen's University
Join the community of learners enrolled in online courses and programs at Queen’s University. Over 100 online courses in humanities, social sciences and sciences and five fully-online degree programs.
Welcome to onQ Support | onQ Support - Queen's University
To ask a question or book an appointment please email us at [email protected] to connect with the Centre for Teaching and Learning EdTech Team.. onQ Educational Support Book a one-to-one appointment with Karla Coleman, onQ Educational Support. Educational Technology Support Book a one-to-one appointment with Selina …