What is the difference between "emoji" and "emoticon"?
The emoji sets used by Japanese cell phone carriers contain a large number of characters for emoticon images, along with many other non-emoticon emoji. Are emoji the same thing as …
What emotions do :3 and :S convey? - English Language & Usage …
Often I find people in the chat using emoticons. Most are simple to decipher, but I can't figure out what these two mean. Most are simple to decipher, but I can't figure out what these two mean. :3
Is a smiley at the end of a sentence like a period?
Sep 8, 2012 · Emoticons are not used in formal writing, so how they are punctuated is really just a matter of style choice. It depends on how you conceive of the function of emoticons. We can …
punctuation - If an insertion in parentheses ends with a smiley, …
It’s the twenty-first century! We have a much better alternative to old ASCII emoticons: Unicode! A lot of insertions in parentheses (well, if it's not Lisp ☺) can be annoying. … well, ok, I admit …
Should emoticons be regarded as punctuation marks?
Oct 12, 2012 · Apparently, there's as yet no canonical rule about emoticons. As no one seems to have officially declared them as marks of punctuation or members of the class, emoticons …
Correct usage of replacing cuss words with symbols
I've noticed that symbols (i.e. #, $, %, !, *, etc.) are commonly used to filter profanity/foul language. Just out of curiosity, is there a specific way to do
What are the words to express sobbing and crying sound?
Jun 24, 2015 · Google doesn't help much. What are the sounds (written in words) that people usually use to express their crying/sobbing emotions such as in chat, social network? For …
etymology - Why is the exclamation mark called a "bang"?
Apr 12, 2017 · Found at "The pronunciation guide for UNIX" LINK! bang . comes from old card punch phenom where punching ! code made a loud noise; however, this pronunciation is used …
How offensive is it to call someone a "slag" in British English?
One more colorful slang term I gleaned from the British movie I recently watched is slag. In the movie, it was used in curses like, "Fuck-ing dogs! Slags." "Right slag, that one." Now I know via
Origin of "skin in the game" - English Language & Usage Stack …
Apr 14, 2017 · Is the some reference to the Bible, Job 2:3-5:? King James Version, "3. And the LORD said unto Satan, Hast thou considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the …