Bill hearing season is underway in the state capitol. The Senate Labor, Public Employment, and Retirement Committee will begin reviewing bills this morning, including measures to expand 4850 leave, ...
The California Supreme Court issued this decision interpreting federal maritime law and California’s workers’ compensation act. Get the full opinion by clicking here.
The Second District issued this opinion detailing the interplay between disability retirement and California’s Fair Employment and Housing Act. Get the full opinion here.
A Division of Workers' Compensation hearing was hit with a “zoombombing” incident. What happened and how was it resolved?
The administration and others are noticing the Subsequent Injuries Benefits Trust Fund program's runaway costs. What do they ...
What is the two-check system and why is it being proposed for construction trucking operations? What else is in the bill? Read More... This content is for premium subscribers. To read please login or ...
Who are the largest workers' comp carriers in the nation? How have their appetites for workers' comp changed over the year? Read More... This content is for premium subscribers. To read please login ...
What is the overlap between state workers' comp laws and federal maritime law? Where does this case involving a yacht club and an injured maintenance worker go next? Read More... This content is for ...
California legislators submitted proposed legislation up to the deadline for introducing bills for the first year of this two-year session. Among the final workers’ comp bills introduced for the year ...