A former Rusk County deputy has been denied qualified immunity by a federal judge for his role in a fatal shooting in September of 2022.
A Mabank man accused in the death of a man reported missing and found in a “hand-dug” grave has accepted a 35-year prison sentence after pleading guilty.
LUFKIN, Texas (KTRE) - Just like people, pets may have some adjusting to do when it comes to the winter, especially if they have arthritis. Osteoarthritis, commonly known as arthritis, is a disease ...
We’ve had a lot of interest. We’ve really been marketing it for quite a, quite a bit of time, and, you know, in a small town it takes time,” said Lindale Economic Development Corporation President ...
According to the Tyler Police Department, Carolyn Johnson, 75, and Willie Johnson, 75, both of Tyler, are believed to have ...
Temperatures are once again starting off very cold, with most in the in the 20s which is at least an improvement from the ...
Attorneys in the department's Civil Rights Division were ordered not to file any new complaints, amicus briefs or other ...
Harkrider was the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, with his friend Ryan Nichols of Longview, who has also been pardoned and ...
What I’m hoping for with Trump coming in is that there will be a renewed sense of cooperation between the federal authorities ...
When locals go to Brookshires, they have noticed that for about a month, a rooster has begun hanging out in front of the ...
It helps us with bringing funding into our community,” Hill said. “Getting an accurate count of our homeless population on this one day a year is very important for Longview, and our ability to bring ...