When people talk about accessible PDF files, they are referring to PDF files that have searchable, selectable text, not just an image of text. The basic characteristics of an accessible PDF include ...
Mr. Puffer is survived by Yvonne, his wife of 62 years, son Richard (Meena), grandchildren Kieran, Leela, and Rohan Puffer, ...
Patrick Harker, president and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, made his final appearance at UD’s Annual Lyons ...
They show the gritty side of dinosaur life,” Lacovara said. “Dinosaurs were authentic beings that lived under their own ...
The class of 471 scientists, engineers and innovators was selected by their peers for achievements across a broad range of ...
Earlier this month, before a striking backdrop of 171 portraits of extraordinary women who have made a lasting impact on the ...
The Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics at the University of Delaware was once again recognized as a top ...