They even laid the foundation for the creation of England. There we go, the history of the Anglo-Saxons in a matter of minutes, from invaders to settlers, to makers. How enjoyable was that?
Thanks to classic albums such as Wheels Of Steel and Strong Arm Of The Law, Saxon were NWOBHM trailblazers. But by the time ...
Researchers from the University of Exeter and the University of Newcastle believe they have uncovered Harold Godwinson, the last Saxon king of England’s long-lost residence. Experts had until ...
Netflix's The Last Kingdom has been hailed as "one of the best in history," drawing comparisons to the blockbuster series Game of Thrones. While HBO's spin-off House of the Dragon provides a glimpse ...
In 1939 a series of mounds at Sutton Hoo in England revealed their astounding contents: the remains of an Anglo-Saxon funerary ship and a huge cache of seventh-century royal treasure. In southern ...
The silver penny brooch dates to the end of the reign of the last Anglo-Saxon king, says an expert. The items will form part of an exhibition that will be held at a museum in Scunthorpe.
This story appears in the November 2011 issue of National Geographic magazine. One day, or perhaps one night, in the late seventh century an unknown party traveled along an old Roman road that cut ...