Mark Harmon has grown to become a TV veteran thanks to his role on NCIS as agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs, a character he portrayed ...
It took CBS 12 seasons, but Mark Harmon’s best NCIS episode was worth the wait — fans were left stunned, proving great things ...
NCIS is CBS's third longest-running show. Two dramas that aired long ago have more episodes, and honestly, it's unlikely the crime drama will catch up to either of them.
The final count for the Seanad has been completed, with 20 women among 49 senators elected ­following a marathon counting ...
Four Seanad seats remain to be filled in the final vocational panel as the marathon counting process for the Irish parliament ...
The last elected were independent candidate Eileen Flynn, Sinn Fein’s Nicole Ryan and Fianna Fail’s Fiona O’Loughlin and ...
Sinn Féin Stormont minister Conor Murphy has secured a seat in the Seanad as the marathon counting process for the Seaned ...