Wildflower seed mixes have different proportions and types of flowers and ... You may even be able to contribute your sightings to UK recording schemes, such as the Garden Butterfly Survey and the UK ...
Use local seeds where possible, and always use UK native seeds to ensure that you aren’t introducing any alien species. TIP: Lots of wildflower seed mixes include yellow rattle seed. Yellow rattle is ...
In October 2021, our delivery partner Norfolk Rivers Trust worked with a local farmer and wildflower specialist to drill a local origin, hand-collected seed mix in the Wendling Beck catchment to ...
Then add some water to your seed and compost mix. Add the ... Around the UK, bees and other wild insects are in decline. The good news is that by planting wildflowers we can help out our ...
You don't need lots of space - many British wildflower species that benefit native pollinators ... You might want to consider adding two mixes to your pot, one mix of plants that live on the field ...
If you are planting outdoors, you should focus on bare-root roses and any forced flower bulbs such as hyacinths and daffodils - these will flower in the garden next spring. Plant summer-flowering ...
PRIMARY school children are helping to create wildflower meadows in Keighley. Pupils from Holycroft and St Joseph's Catholic schools in the town took part in a seed-sowing session at the Ashbourne ...
They are sowing a mix of annual and perennial wildflower seeds, ensuring the habitats will ... links to St Austell from the rest of the UK, making it easier to get to Cornwall's growing employment ...
Greener Clifton and Rawcliffe is offering free wildflower seeds to households ... up with environmental company Biodiversity UK for the project. Seeds can be collected from Clifton Explore Library ...