The animated avatars of the competitors give viewers the impression they’re watching a live stream of someone playing Wii Sports on gaming console Nintendo Wii rather than a Grand Slam. The reason ...
By that, I mean that the Switch 2 could fix one of my biggest issues with the OG console - a lack of dual-screen functionality. Even if NDS, 3DS, and Wii U games did end up on some sort of Virtual ...
任天堂は16日、新型ゲーム機の名称を「NintendoSwitch 2(ニンテンドースイッチツー)」とし、2025年中に発売すると発表した。17年3月に発売した ...
In a brief message on social media, the Japanese branch has apparently confirmed the existence of services that replace functions like "online play" for the Wii U. It's now advising anyone using ...
Sadly, everything has to come to an end, and as of April 8th, 2024, the online services for the Nintendo 3DS and Wii U family of systems will shut down for good. Update: as of 4/8, online play and ...
任天堂<7974.T>は31日、2018年3月期の業績予想を上方修正した。家庭用ゲーム機「ニンテンドースイッチ」が好調に推移していることを織り込んだ。上方修正は今期2回目。売上高予想は前年比2.0倍の1兆0200億円(従来9… ...