ARIES (March 21-April 19): Ancient Rome’s emperor Julius Caesar undertook a radical move to fix the calendar, which had ...
While Apple TV+ is largely known for its shows, the selection of movies isn't half bad. In fact, here's 11 fantastic films to dive into.
The prolific German filmmaker is scheduled to begin production on his debut animation, based on his best-selling 2021 novel, ...
The Commons was packed with hundreds of community and business leaders during the 116th meeting of the Columbus Area Chamber ...
The drive from Thessaloniki's airport into the city begins like any other: car dealerships and furniture stores that give way ...
Military and war movies are some of the most impactful genres of movies. The films not only handle sensitive topics like war and highlight the futility of it, but it is also an important reminder of ...
What do the stars have in store for you this week?
Shoah, Stop Making Sense, and Bowling for Columbine are among the best and most essential documentary movies ever made.
The director of ‘The End’ discusses getting tips from Werner Herzog and how contemplating catastrophe can make us more human ...
Sometimes human beings can be scarier than monsters, it's true -- but usually it's the other way around. Come on. Movie ...
Horror movies aren’t for everyone, but being scared by a film isn’t something exclusive to the genre. Greg Evans looks at 26 ...