Jeet Heer is a national affairs correspondent for The Nation and host of the weekly Nation podcast, The Time of Monsters. He also pens the monthly column “Morbid Symptoms.” The author of In ...
Hitler defied the Treaty of Versailles by reinstating military conscription and expanding Germany’s armed forces. This marked the transformation from the Reichswehr to the Wehrmacht, strengthening the ...
Just after 1am this morning on Sunday 19th January, Ollie Heer skipper of Tut Gut. lost his mast head gennaker. While in his bunk, in just 10kts of breeze the sail unexpectedly ripped in several ...
The other needs to be found by exploring. In the Gizeh area, the disguise you can find is the Wehrmacht Disguise. Wearing this outfit will let players walk around restricted areas and come with a ...
Während Oliver Heer sich wie „Bolle“ über das dritte Kap auf seiner Weltumseglung freut, hat Sieger Charlie Dalin längst seinen Triumph ausgiebig gefeiert, gefühlte 580 Interviews gegeben und die ...