The year: 1861. The problem: Pro-slavery states had broken away from the Union, rising up in armed revolt as the treasonous ...
Some airplanes are graceful, beautiful machines that soar effortlessly through the sky. Others, not so much. Which airplanes ...
The MiG pilots had completely misjudged the Skyraiders, possibly assuming their speed advantage would ensure early ...
The combination of speed, range, and armament made the P-51 Mustang one of the most versatile platforms of the Second World ...
Aviation enthusiasts are to be offered a rare chance to fly on a vintage Ford Tri-Motor airliner dating back to the 1930s.
President Emmanuel Macron said France would order additional Rafale warplanes in the coming years and invest nearly 1.5 ...
It was thanks to former WWI pilot Tommy Hitchcock that the P-51 entered U.S service — and changed the skies over Europe ...
An unusually large number of Chinese military ships, planes and drones entered airspace and waters surrounding Taiwan between ...
From the thunder of wartime bombers to the rumoured assignations of a Prince of Wales, a soon-to-be shut airfield in ...
The Moth, a two-seater airplane launched by Geoffrey de Havilland in 1925, was central to many of the great aviation feats ...
Revived after nearly 89 years, the historic Mitchell Trophy Air Race returned with a modern twist as the U.S. Air Force incorporated Agile Combat ...
Pakistani security forces exchanged gunfire on Wednesday with hundreds of separatist militants as they sought to free about ...