Peter Parker takes his new sidekick, his son Richard Parker, out for their first training session in a preview of Ultimate Spider-Man #15.
Ashley Eckstein, Matt Lanter, Catherine Taber, Jim Cummings and Mike McFarland are some of the guests announced for the ...
A brand-new version of Miles Morales has a brand-new mantle to carry, and it changes everything about who he is as a ...
Activision, a game developer at one point, has published many games from FPS titles like Call of Duty to superhero games like ...
This approach worked beyond Marvel’s wildest dreams. In the early 2000s, Ultimate Spider-Man and Ultimate X-Men ruled the monthly comics sales charts, often outselling the legacy Marvel comics.
Hasbro (HAS) returns to the North American, NA, International Toy Fair in New York to reveal a lineup of announcements. The trade show ...
This is the Top Ten Bleeding Cool Bestseller List, as compiled by over a hundred direct market comic stores from their sales from Wednesday to Friday, the "Wednesday Warriors". The chart is ...
Plus, there will be a new toy line inspired by Disney Jr.’s upcoming series “Marvel’s Iron Man and his Awesome Friends,” as well as MAGIC: THE GATHERING SPIDER-MAN, both included in the ...
Ultimate Spider-Man is exactly the kind of book Marvel should ... Marvel’s editorial staff is all about putting the toys back on the shelf after every revolutionary idea or reboot, and that ...
Spider-Man, Ultimate or Amazing, has super strength. Up against someone without superpowers, he will flatten them, even if he is holding back. Such as in today's Ultimate Spider-Man #14 by ...
8BitDo has just launched its latest controller and the Ultimate 2 Wireless is packing some seriously slick sticks. Hall sensor thumbsticks have become the norm for gaming controllers in the last ...