A24 has released a new song, "Dina, Simone," featuring John Malkovich singing as fictional pop star Moretti from the upcoming movie Opus.
The Dead Thing” has that going for it as well as some other qualities, including a strong lead performance from Blu Hunt ...
The Jane Pickens Theater & Event Center (The JPT) is planning an exciting week of Newport Winter Festival events, with live ...
While never mentioned alongside 'The Thing' and 'Halloween,' another Carpenter horror flick is just as important for understanding the ideas that motivate him.
John Carpenter is far more than a simple film director ... Halloween might be Carpenter's most famous film, but The Thing is ...
And Carpenter did get to at least make one film that captures a lot of the American Western aesthetic, along with a lot of ...
The Thing once got a comic book sequel series revealing what happened to MacReady (Kurt Russell) after the events of John ...