The WDFW said in a press release that the “Salmon Creek Hatchery steelhead program is replacing early returning winter ...
Record numbers of nearly 1,000 adult steelhead returned to the Pelton Round Butte hydropower project on the Deschutes River ...
The sea lions' appetites are impacting vulnerable fish runs. Now, the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife says an ...
Lewis River, as well as Merwin and Yale lakes, are the best bet for fishing this week, while the Kalama River is starting to ...
The Nature Trust of British Columbia has a goal to raise $294,000 by April 9 to buy about 100 acres of floodplain forest ...
Steelhead are running strong in the St. Joseph River and are expected to continue for the next couple of weeks. Coho salmon fishing is excellent in Lake Michigan but could change quickly as ...
The following is a news release from the Idaho Dept. of Fish and Game. SALMON – To keep fish from getting stranded in ...
Markham said steelhead are the most sought-after fish species for tributary anglers following fall salmon runs ... in streams and the lower Niagara River until May. Sometimes we get runs coming ...
A new website now gives you a regular count, usually weekly, of how many steelhead, coho salmon, chinook salmon and brown trout are moving through the St. Joseph River fish ladder at Seitz Park ...
The number of salmon returning to the Columbia and Snake rivers this year is expected to beat the 10-year average return. That’s according to a new report from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adm ...
Now is the time to catch steelhead in the St. Joseph River. Steelhead should be running strong in the river for the next ...