Seniors Avi Attar and Jennifer Nwokeji won the 2025 Pyne Prize for excellence in scholarship, character, and leadership. Both students were previous recipients of the Shapiro Prize.
The school has been chosen as the 2024 Alabama Science of Reading Spotlight School, an award given by the Alabama Reading Initiative.
This year’s executive seats of Student Government elections have been split between two tickets, Brand New U and Next Century ...
Rather than petri dishes or microscopes, in Brie Tripp’s lab you’ll find diverse undergrads gathered around laptops, carrying ...
TSC trustees met Tuesday to approve the new additions in efforts to meet the needs of the community by preparing its students ...
Police arrested five people, including the university’s director general and director of administration, in this connection, who were released later in the day ...
The directive puts several DEI programs at Cincinnati-area universities in the government's crosshairs and requires swift action from higher education leaders.
What motivates students from non-traditional backgrounds to choose physics at university? Researchers at Communication and Learning in Science, among others, have investigated this question. The ...
Millions of international students from Africa have, over the years, turned to the UK, Canada, and the United States for suitable and high-demand courses. ・International students from Africa prefer ...
Former Oklahoma State University President Kayse Shrum’s resignation letter to regents indicates she wants to return to OSU’s faculty in July.
Sweeping layoffs, funding freezes and executive orders have provoked outcry among federal researchers and their university partners, who fear that science itself is under siege.
Eastern Kentucky University (EKU) received a Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) award of $381,870 from the National Science ...