Vouchers are now on sale for a new specialty Oregon license plate that researchers hope will inspire people to think ...
With his magnificent underwater images, Gerardo del Villar wants to rehabilitate the reputation of the ocean’s great ...
Spectacular drone footage captured Southern Resident Killer Whales as they made their way through the Monterey Bay frolicking ...
A 900-pound dolphin landed in a fishermen's boat in New Zealand causing damage to the vessel. CBS News' Elizabeth cook ...
The “Vibrant Ocean” specialty plate features three shark species commonly found in Oregon. Proceeds from sales of the plates will benefit Oregon State University’s Big Fish Lab, which focuses on shark ...
Oregon State University is selling vouchers for a new plate, where proceeds go toward the Big Fish Lab that studies the ...
NEWPORT, Ore. – Vouchers for new specialty Oregon license plates with images of sharks are available to help support research ...
A new license plate supporting Oregon State University’s Big Fish Lab brings attention to Oregon’s coastal sharks.
Vouchers are now on sale for a new shark license plate to support the Big Fish Lab at Oregon State University. (Courtesy: OSU ...
“The 15 species of sharks off our shores help keep Oregon’s coastal ecosystems and the economies dependent on them vibrant and productive, from the crab in your pot to the salmon on your grill. Oregon ...
Footage has surfaced showing an Australia-based shore fisherman hooking a small fish, which was subsequently attacked by a larger fish, and ultimately by a much larger shark. “This guy just ...
Dave Pearson was bitten by an almost 10-foot bull shark while surfing in Australia in 2011 Nicholas Rice is a Senior Editor for PEOPLE Magazine. He began working with the brand as an Editorial ...