Ramses II, a pharaoh who ruled in the 13th century ... But the carved granite sarcophagus built to house that coffin has ...
He died 3,000 years ago, but the world still knows his name: Ramses II. Many of his treasures and his coffin can now be admired in Cologne. Ramses II was supposed to have been quite vain.
The Ramses and the Gold of the Pharaohs Exhibition opened in Tokyo last week following the success of its US and European ...
Visitors will enter the museum through a spectacular alabaster archway, before being greeted by an impressive 83 ton statue of Ramses II, which dates ... will remain in his tomb in the Valley ...
The coffin of King Shoshenq II from the 22nd Dynasty ... The colossal head of Ramses II made of pink granite was unearthed in 1888 at the Temple of Ptah in Memphis. Ptah, the creator god and ...