THE modified form of the ionic deflexion theory of wave propagation, discussed by Messrs. Nichols and Schelling (NATURE, March 7, vol. 115, p. 334), appears to have been suggested in England and ...
The accuracy of the pointing error in the subreflector is of great importance to the large steerable radio telescope, so the measurement of the six degree-of-freedom ...
Fast radio bursts are an intriguing cosmic conundrum. They are huge spikes of radio waves that appear in radio telescope observations, lasting just milliseconds, but discharging in that time as much ...
Abstract: In this communication, a fully metallic doubly corrugated parallel-plate waveguide (DCPPW)-based leaky-wave antenna (LWA) with backfire-to-forward beam scanning (BTF BS), high scanning rate, ...
Everything says Catch A Wave (Captaintreacherous) is primed to chase his second Miracle Mile win, but harness racing trainer Andy Gath knows better than to get too excited. The six-year-old broke the ...
Despite his star status, Catch A Wave’s trainer Andy Gath bypassed the higher quality Terang Cup in favour of the shorter event and harness racing patrons were treated to a polished display by the six ...
Fast radio bursts (FRBs) are extraordinary, fleeting explosions of radio waves. These signals, often originating from neutron stars or black holes, last for just a millisecond but carry immense energy ...