Punctal plugs are devices used to treat dry eyes that are placed inside the tear ducts. They help keep eyes moist by preventing fluid, such as tears, from leaving the eyes. This can include both your ...
A pinguecula is a benign growth on the white of the eye. It is yellowish in color, raised, and most commonly forms on the side of your eye near your nose. A pinguecula can occur in one or both eyes. A ...
The pattern of punctal agenesis, its relationship to the presence of underlying canalicular tissue, and its management have not been defined previously in a large cohort. METHODS: The authors ...
Sarah Gleeson, of the Helmholtz Centre Potsdam - GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, will present her lecture at 11 a.m. EDT on April 26, 2018, in the Greenewalt Lecture Hall as part of DTM's ...