The amount of salt and the number of hours worked all increased this year after Northeast Ohio experienced several mild winters.
More drivers than ever are being left out of pocket and stranded at the roadside due to a £17 billion pothole repair backlog, ...
Potholes are problems for drivers across the state of South Carolina. SCDOT is set to launch rapid road repairs in all 46 ...
The agency is undertaking a "pothole blitz," an effort to patch up state roads following the colder and snowier winter in South Carolina.
Drivers in northwest Indianapolis express concern over potholes on roads, causing safety risks and financial burdens. Indy ...
Providence has a brand-new tool that is patching up potholes all throughout the city, and the way it works is actually quite ...
VDOT crews are working to patch potholes on Route 460/29 from the Bedford County/ Line to Route 726, or Mt.Athos Road.
It’s a bumper crop of bumps as you travel across Emporia. And with good reason.
WRTV cameras captured multiple cars pulled over in the area with flat tires. Neighbors say potholes are to blame.
City crews used a temporary material or “cold patch” to fill potholes due to the temperature of the pavement. Once asphalt ...
SOUTH BEND, Ind. (WNDU) - It’s not every day you see the mayor filling potholes on South Bend’s southeast side, but that was ...
South Bend Mayor James Mueller took to the city's streets Tuesday morning alongside road workers and Public Works Director Eric Horvath to help patch potholes.