Chief of Police Michael A. Gaimari Sr. and Executive Officer Capt. James Battavio awarded more than 100 certificates or medals for individual and joint accomplishments dating to 2015. They included 23 ...
A man experiencing a mental health crisis had volunteered to go with Philadelphia police to go to a psychiatric hospital, but ...
All proceeds will benefit Raleigh police officer Max Gillick and his family after he was critically wounded in January.
In April 2024, five employees were fired from PCCEO for their alleged ties to the thefts. Here's the latest on the investigation.
Pueblo police say one of their officers who was shot this past Tuesday has been released from the hospital and is recovering ...
The Brunswick Police investigation revealed Robinson stole 105 cases of Red Bull valued at $2,200 and several gift cards from Meijer locations in Brunswick and Seven Hills.
Beachwood police investigated a theft at a Beachwood Place store in which a woman pushing a baby in a stroller concealed ...
BREWTON, Ala. -- A woman in Brewton was nearly scammed out of $10,000. But police say an officer in the right place at the ...
PARIS — Police Chief Michael Ward and Town Manager Natalie Andrews will discuss changes to the Police Department at the Select Board meeting Monday at 6 p.m. at the Fire Station on Western Avenue.
Calling hours for Officer Gregory Swiantek were scheduled for Tuesday from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the East Haven Funeral Home on ...
YORK COUNTY, Pa. (WHP) — York County Regional Police are warning the public about an increase in counterfeit money in the community. The warning comes after a man used counterfeit bills at several ...