Horses are beautiful and expressive creatures and one of their most recognizable traits is their famous whinny. The whinny is a very complex form of communication which is firmly rooted in biology and ...
Postnasal drip occurs when mucus from your nasal passages drips down the back of your throat. The symptoms of postnasal drip include coughing and frequent throat clearing, a sore or scratchy throat, ...
In patients with progressive bulbar ALS, 4/7 subjects had an abnormal epiglottis: three had a juvenile and high ... but has been used to describe the larynx during simple tasks (eg, vocalising, ...
If you have bronchitis, you may have other symptoms such as: Fever A feeling of discomfort in the chest A persistent sore throat Bronchitis usually resolves on its own with rest and good hydration.
2 The oral cavity and oropharynx are commonly affected while the larynx and genitals are occasionally affected ... Common presenting symptoms of PCM include gradual onset of chronic oral and throat ...
According to the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), head and neck cancer is “a broad term encompassing a number of different malignant tumors that develop in or around the throat, larynx, ...
Hypopharyngeal cancer These cancers start in the lower part of the pharynx, behind the voice box (larynx). This area is called the hypopharynx. It has muscles that move food into the gullet ...