Llamas, ponchos, Machu Picchu and Paddington Bear, Peru is often encapsulated into cliches. But step beyond and you’ll ...
The farmer is suing German energy giant RWE, demanding it contribute to the cost of flood mitigation measures in a landmark ...
Bolitoglossa digitigrada, or the Rio Santa Rosa mushroom tongue salamander, was described using 10 specimens collected from ...
In the high Andes of northern Peru, the morning sun rises over glaciers in the Cordillera Blanca mountains that loom above the city of Huaraz, an awe-inspiring sight tainted by fears of a growing ...
HAMM, Germany -- A German court on Monday started hearing a Peruvian farmer's case against major energy company RWE, a lawsuit arguing that global warming fueled by the firm's historical greenhouse ...
In western Germany, a case against energy company RWE could set a worldwide precedent for corporate responsibility and climate damages. What exactly is at stake? It is the third time that he has ...