Motorisierte Nachtschwärmer staunten nicht schlecht, als sie am Donnerstagabend an einer Selbstbedienungstankstelle Diesel und Benzin ... immer mehr Lenker vor die Tankstelle und blockierten ...
Kenanga IB said in a note today that Perodua, which holds 44% market share and has an all-CKD line-up with a high localisation rate, is likely to benefit the most, but the premium segment may be ...
We’ll call it open market value (OMV) excise duty revision – full explanation later. By right, without yet another deferment, the then Pakatan Harapan government’s new ruling would have ...
OMV and Airbus will collaborate to broaden voluntary SAF access for various customer groups. Credit: Obatala-photography/Shutterstock. OMV has entered into a ...
Global aircraft manufacturer Airbus (EPA: AIR) and Austria's integrated energy company OMV (VIE: OMV) are partnering on sustainable aviation fuel, according to both companies. Through their ...
Customers are still showing interest in diesel cars Diesel to make a comeback in a VW Group brand after five years The reason for the shift in strategy, according to Skoda India head Petr Janeba ...
LONDON, Jan 17 (Reuters) - Global diesel prices and refining margins spiked following the latest round of U.S. sanctions on Russia's oil trade on expectations the measures would tighten supplies ...
Doch vergeblich. Der dunkelblaue Wagen stand wenig später in Vollbrand. Die Freiwillige Feuerwehr Bruck an der Mur rückte mit 15 Kräften an und konnte schließlich den Brand stillen ...
Am Sonntagabend ist erneut eine Tankstelle überfallen worden. Dieses Mal in Kirchardt. Die Polizei suchte mit einem Hubschrauber nach dem Täter. Bisher allerdings erfolglos. Ist es ein weiterer ...
Diesel gets rid of the boilerplate for database interaction and eliminates runtime errors without sacrificing performance. It takes full advantage of Rust's type system to create a low overhead query ...
Your method of propulsion is among the most important decisions to make when choosing your next car. Low emission zones, the 2030 petrol and diesel ban and of course, the cost per use are all massive ...