Zoom sur la maison de famille discrète et retirée de Carla Bruni, le refuge privilégié de sa fille Giulia pour les vacances.
Sur le plateau de LCI, ce 29 mars, Louis Sarkozy a fait part de toute la tendresse qu’il éprouve pour son père, alors que le ...
Invitée sur le plateau de BFM TV ce jeudi 27 mars, Ségolène Royal s’est exprimée sur les sept ans de prison requis contre ...
La totale pour Nicolas Sarkozy. Le Parquet national financier (PNF) a considéré, jeudi 27 mars lors de ses réquisitions, ...
Le parquet financier a requis jeudi 27 mars à l'encontre de Nicolas Sarkozy une peine de sept ans de prison et de 300 000 ...
The former French president has been convicted before, but the charge that he took illegal campaign funding from the regime ...
Twelve suspects are standing trial, including former close aides, accused of devising a pact with Muammar Gaddafi to ...
Prosecutors requested a seven-year prison sentence for former president Nicolas Sarkozy, on Thursday, March 27, in his trial on charges of allegedly accepting illegal election campaign financing ...
The trial of former French President Nicolas Sarkozy over the alleged illegal financing of his 2007 presidential campaign is shedding light on France’s back-channel talks with the government of then-L ...
fine for former President Nicolas Sarkozy, in connection with allegations that his 2007 presidential campaign was illegally financed by former Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi’s government.