The lessons to learn are: avoid war, and the drum-beating that precedes it. And avoid technocratic utopian groupthink; avoid ideologies masquerading as science. The Nazi Hunger Plan was devised by an ...
That region of Belgium and Luxembourg became the scene of heavy fighting that left tens of thousands dead. Within the Battle of the Bulge, the Belgian town of Bastogne was the center of an ...
Any president is constrained by Russian military power, geographic advantage and the threat of escalation.
The prospect of WW3 is not something that anyone relishes but as Vladimir Putin 's push into Ukraine continues - and the US ...
But by late 1941, the criteria had widened to include all women and "childless widows" up to 30 years old and men up to 51 ...
Trump is not Neville Chamberlain. Putin is not Adolf Hitler. The world of 2025 is not 1938. But the shakedown of Ukraine ...
As was the case with Chamberlain signing the Munich Agreement, Donald Trump's embrace of Vladmir Putin may have dire global ...
President Trump’s shameful performance at the Feb. 28 meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, his support for Russian President Vladimir Putin and his lack of support for Ukraine in the ...
In 1938, British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain traveled to Munich ... Trump believes the tyrant is a man of his word. The World War II experience speaks differently. History does not repeat ...
Jane Fonda slammed Gavin Newsom for "cozying up to Steve Bannon," by having the far-right political figure on his podcast.
Originating in the military barracks of British troops in India, this sport has transformed dramatically over the years. This article will explore the roots of snooker, the evolution of its rules, the ...