So, blobfish don’t really look like melting ice cream in their natural environment. Underwater, they’re shaped like tadpoles: ...
Throughout the night, great potoos emit a loud, moaning growl that has earned the bird a mythical status, with some communities believing the sounds to be children calling for lost parents.
While rummaging through trash, a raccoon looks more mischievous than menacing, but the diseases it spreads make it dangerous. These animals carry rabies, roundworms, and leptospirosis and infect ...
Advances in genetics in recent years has revealed that many apparently exclusive pairs in fact sometimes mate with individuals other than their partner, but social monogamy is widespread.
But thanks to their long, strong necks, giraffes are the tallest animals alive. And if we look at animals throughout Earth's history, dinosaurs eclipse them all. These towering Sauropods were the ...
What would a creature from outer space look like? Would they have wings, fins or something else entirely? Luckily we don’t need to travel to another planet to see some animals that look like ...