This particular monster, the story goes, had attacked swimmers in the river. Anthony explains: “One swimmer – don't ask me ...
An avid Monster investigator has captured footage from a webcam that he believes is yet another sighting of the creature in ...
A new potential sighting of the Loch Ness Monster has been reported. On March 15, longtime Nessie hunter Eoin O Faodhagain ...
Keen monster hunter Eoin O’Faodhagain believes he spotted Nessie via a web cam as he saw something within the water of Loch ...
My instinct then was this could possibly be a sighting of the Loch Ness Monster. 'I assume the hump-shaped object is a front body part of the creature, and the rest of it is beneath the surface.
There are those who positively insist that the Loch Ness Monster, aka Nessie, isn’t actually real. Years of sightings, some ...
The Loch Ness Monster Has Been Spotted Again . The Loch Ness monster has fascinated believers for years. Based on one famous ...
Elsewhere, Times Square is the biggest disappointment in the world for travellers according to CasiMonka with a letdown score ...
A brand new set of stamps are to be issued featuring illustrations of weird and wonderful creatures. The eight stamps show ...
The Loch Ness monster will be featured in a new limited set of stamps created by Royal Mail celebrating myths and legends.
Kids love the legend of the Loch Ness monster - and you can holiday in style at this converted abbey on the banks of the ...