Faith is essential in the life of a believer. We cannot please God without faith. We are saved by faith. Scripture teaches that God honors faith, sometimes bringing miraculous deliverance. But, does ...
Lawlessness is tied to the spirit of rebellion. Open borders without lawful vetting and due process laws regarding regulation ...
The truth about Heaven and Hell is spelled out plainly in Scripture, and God wants you to believe it! "Without faith it is ...
Everyone who is born again and professes faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is a child of God and belongs to the Father’s family. They are supposed to have heart-to-heart, life-instructing and interacting ...
In this year celebrating the virtue of Christian hope, may the words and example of Pope Francis in the midst of suffering ...
Many of us have been experiencing a lot of concern, confusion, and even hopelessness about the current events in our country. I hope the following words will help you to ...
Every heart needs hope in the face of the challenges of everyday life and the fears and uncertainties of the world.
In the midst of his teaching ministry, when the “important people” were gathered with weighty theological questions, Jesus welcomes the children and says, “Let the children come to me, and do not ...
Children surprise us. A young child had a school assignment. She asked her mother where she came from. Her mother said, “A stork brought you.” She then asked, ...
As we are getting closer to one of the biggest religious holidays (Easter) we need to take the time to talk to our children about the real meaning of Easter and what took place and why we celebrate ...
As we are getting closer to one of the biggest religious holidays (Easter) we need to take the time to talk to our children ...
The cry of the rooster was one of the most familiar sounds in the life cycle of a first-century person, as common as the ...