Do you know you can generate headshots that look just like you? Most of the time, you may spend time thinking about what to wear, or where to find the best photographer but little do you know that ...
Click here to download the audition forms. Please bring 3 copies to your audition with a headshot or picture of yourself. If you are unable to attend auditions, we are accepting limited video ...
In the era of peak Oscars, the movies commemorated were, at worst, honorably decent and, at best, the sort of sumptuously mounted, inoffensively impressive super-spectacles that the industry had ...
In this four-part series, learn how their organisations empower individuals and how you can support their causes. Kaylee Kua, executive director of Daughters Of Tomorrow (DOT) tells us why it’s ...
With the rising cost of physical studio sessions, taking magazine-worthy professional headshots for your brand has become increasingly difficult. The solution? AI headshot generators.