The most recent Jack Reacher novel is another preposterously high-octane read, in which our wayward hero wakes up injured and ...
Reacher waits until he’s alone in the car with Richard to come clean: He’s infiltrated Zachary’s home and business to rescue ...
For Jack Reacher, only two things are truly necessary. One is a toothbrush, and the other is a pair of work boots. If you've ...
On some level, Gunn should probably reconsider dismissing Ritchson out of hand. As Reacher, he demonstrates the two things that a truly great Batman actor needs; the ability to kick ass, but also, ...
Lee Child agrees with fans that Tom Cruise was miscast as Jack Reacher, despite his commendable performance in the films. He highlights Alan Ritchson's physical suitability and praises Ritchson's ...
The British author, 70, created the former military police anti-hero Jack Reacher – which has been turned into an Amazon Prime series called Reacher starring US actor Alan Ritchson. Last week ...
Fans of the show already know that Sten’s Frances Neagley is more than capable of holding her own alongside Ritchson’s powerhouse portrayal of Jack Reacher. As long as the writers craft ...
After Reacher Season 3 concludes, Jack Reacher's best pal, Frances Neagley (Maria Sten) will continue in her own kickass TV series. After Sten revealed that the new series just started filming ...
Using everything she’s learned from Jack Reacher and her time as a member of the 110 Special Investigators, Neagley puts herself on a dangerous path to uncover a menacing evil.” Holt is repped ...