Federal workers, how have the last few weeks impacted you and your family? Send us a voicemail through the WTOP News app, available on Apple or Android. Click the “Feedback” button in the ...
Setting aside the economic gloom tied to the threat of U.S. tariffs, two promising developments are unfolding today that could drive Alberta’s economy in the future: the tech sector and the ...
Highway 2 is the main arterial road connecting north and south Alberta, but now along its shoulder stands a billboard that is dividing Albertans. The advertisement encourages Albertans to let ...
That includes some of those who work on the team responsible for producing air traffic navigation maps, multiple sources told ABC News. The Professional Aviation Safety Specialists (PASS), which ...
Rumors of the US potentially moving its nuclear arsenal from Incirlik Air Base in Turkey to Greece have resurfaced, though no official confirmation exists. Reports indicate the US stores approximately ...
Read updates on that story here. The story below is about an earthquake felt in northern B.C. and Alberta on Feb. 20. A 4.7 magnitude earthquake shook parts of Alberta and B.C. Thursday morning.
Daniel Orton is an editor on the live news team at Newsweek, based in London, U.K. He was previously a video news editor at the company between 2017 and 2019, before spending several years as a ...
Most Newsweek articles carry the byline of the lead reporter. On rare occasions, such as when it could put the reporter in danger, an individual byline is not used and the article is bylined as ...
Efforts airlifting aid to Türkiye's quakes-hit southern region continues via an air corridor set up at the Incirlik Air Base following twin quakes that were centered in Kahramanmaras province.