Virginia Tech students will see a 2.9 percent increase in their tuition for the upcoming 2025-26 academic year, following ...
New England Institute of Technology joins a growing number of higher education institutions offering a shorter option to ...
South Dakota’s four public technical colleges can no longer hold the line against raising tuition for their students. The ...
Virginia Tech student athletic fees will go up from the current sum of $437 to $732 beginning with the 2025-26 fiscal year.
The Virginia Tech Board of Visitors is scheduled to consider potentially raising tuition and mandatory fees for the 2025-26 academic year during a March 25 meeting. The meeting will begin at 1:15 ...
Students at Wisconsin’s 16 public technical colleges will pay higher tuition rates next school year. Members of the Wisconsin Technical College System Board approved the increase at a meeting ...
Ozarks Technical Community College needs to raise tuition due to a lower than the expected increase in state funding. The proposed increase in tuition is 3.7%, slightly above inflation.
Financial support for university tuition fees for Isle of Man students is putting lower income households at a disadvantage, a report has found. The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) has published ...
BLACKSBURG, Va. (WDBJ) - Virginia Tech is considering between a zero and 2.9% increase in tuition costs and fees for the upcoming 2025-2026 school year. Current freshmen who pay for their own ...
Up to 50% of tuition, book and fee costs can be reimbursed. A variety of degree and technical programs are eligible; however, they must meet policy guidelines and be approved in advance.