The history of Jews in the Hawaiian Islands, when they arrived, what happened during World War II, and what their lives are ...
Surrounded by empty desert on one side and an endless ocean on the other, this city is known for its lively spirit and is a ...
A new study out of the University of Vermont quantifies just how much migrating female whales do to sustain ocean ecosystems.
Scientists are monitoring Alaska's Mount Spurr closely, as the volcano is showing new signs of activity that could indicate ...
The study, published in March in the journal Nature Communications, calculates that in oceans across the globe, great whales ...
It turns out, whale pee is nothing to pooh-pooh. The marine giants’ urine serves a vital role in ecosystems by moving tons of nutrients across vast ocean distances, according to new research.
Passengers aboard a boat in Kiholo Bay, Hawaii, were amazed when a 60ft humpback whale breached just 10ft from their boat. The massive whale continued to perform impressive displays. Shelby Petros ...
New research shows that whales move nutrients thousands of miles—in their pee and poop—from as far as Alaska to Hawaii ... California. Humpback whales in the Southern Hemisphere migrate more than ...
Passengers aboard a boat in Kiholo Bay, Hawaii, were amazed when a 60ft humpback whale breached just 10ft from their boat. The massive whale continued to perform impressive displays. Shelby Petros ...
This article is brought to you by our exclusive subscriber partnership with our sister title USA Today, and has been written by our American colleagues. It does not necessarily reflect the view of ...
Scientists have spent a lot of time thinking about how the nutrients in whale feces—also known as whale pump —benefit species ...