For residents and road users in Perak, particularly in Gerik and Sungai Siput, elephant herd sightings have become as common ...
BILLINGS — A nonprofit called The Worthy Ranch, which focuses on providing a safe space for human trafficking and domestic abuse victims to recover, is seeking ranch land in Montana to expand ...
It is the human activity undertaken on a parcel of land that largely determines its overall value, and that activity is almost always linked to the wealth of the landowner, so a land value tax is ...
Hundreds of land and environmental defenders are threatened, arrested and killed every year for their part in resisting environmental devastation. We record every name and honour their activism.
It's not every day you hear police officers discovered human teeth buried in someone's yard and they say there's a "logical explanation." However, in Hondo, a town about 40 miles west of San ...
Human beings can’t be fully understood through a single discipline. This unique BSc allows you to combine life sciences with social and historical sciences to pursue your own lines of enquiry – and ...
If given by a human therapist, he added, those answers could have resulted in the loss of a licence to practise, or civil or criminal liability. “They are actually using algorithms that are ...
Disputes over industrial land zoning in the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) and a resulting price uptick could discourage foreign companies from investing in Thailand, says the Industrial Estate ...
Interestingly, cows’ gestation periods are a similar length to human gestation periods, which typically last about 280 days. Cow pregnancies may seem long, but they’re nothing when compared to the 645 ...
mice and their babies play a bigger role than you might expect in human culture. Here, we’ll learn all about mice: what they look like, what they eat, and what they act like. Then, we’ll answer the ...