What is the current and next Honkai ... Star Rail passes, which are far more common than their special counterparts. While you can’t pull limited characters like Seele or Imbibitor Lunae from ...
bringing her into the top three DPS that Honkai: Star Rail currently has to offer. Nobody knows what the developers were thinking when they released Dan Heng: Imbibitor Lunae to the game because ...
Cipher will join fellow Chrysos Heir Hyacine as the two 5-star characters coming in Honkai: Star Rail version 3.3.
You either play Honkai: Star Rail because you really like space trains, or you’re a character collector like me. Let’s face it: it’s nice to have Kafka and Boothill on your team. If there ...
The Honkai Star Rail banner schedule contains handy information for players to use, as it not only shows which warp events are currently taking place and the rewards available to be claimed ...
Castorice is a 5-Star Quantum character of The Remembrance path likely coming to Honkai: Star Rail in version 3.2. While Castorice will likely be featured as the boosted 5-Star character on her ...