On the large bead say the Our Father ... The meditations that follow are from Holy Rosary, written in 1931 by St. Josemaría Escrivá. A meditation on the Luminous Mysteries did not appear ...
In the recent Apostolic Letter Rosarium Virginis Mariae , the Holy Father John Paul II once ... We are used to seeing him with the Rosary beads between his fingers. His desire is for the Rosary ...
The rosary has the power to set souls free because it is, in essence, the Bible on a set of beads. It is mobile and can be prayed practically anywhere. The holy rosary educates the mind ...
The man also kicked a flight attendant, an arrest affidavit said. He and his sister said they were traveling to Haiti to escape “religious attacks of a spiritual nature.” ...
Rosary beads close rosaryA string of beads used as ... Fruit of the Mystery: Perseverance in faith, grace for a holy death (Forgiveness). The Resurrection. Fruit of the Mystery: Faith.
“The Pope loves Mother Mary,” she said, holding her rosary beads. “And so, through the Holy Rosary, we ask for the intercession of Mother Mary for the health of our Holy Father.” The ...
The Rosary, he says, is a way of entering into a place of rest by way of reciting repetitive prayers. There’s the physical aspect via the tactile experience of using the beads to keep track of ...
From the hands of the young and old to the belts of monks and the rearview mirrors of cars, the rosary takes many forms, crafted from materials ranging from precious stones and Holy Land olive ...