Layla Soliz was awarded $71,500 after she sued the Knox County Sheriff's Office over a constitutional rights issue. But her ...
A clothing brand has provoked a public outcry in France with its new Instagram advert, which shows the Eiffel Tower wearing a ...
Religious schools increasingly offer a range of subjects as the mainstream education ban enters its fourth year.
Tired of burkas that cover the face, urban women under the Taliban's 'gender apartheid' have adopted the abaya robe favoured ...
Discovered on Instagram, Ugbad Abdi's journey from Somali refugee raised in Des Moines, Iowa, to high fashion supermodel is a ...
The journalist, Masih Alinejad, was targeted for her criticisms of Iran's human rights abuses across the globe.
An intake officer reassured her the booking photo without her hijab would not be shared publicly, according to the complaint.
The Quebec government is putting forward a bill that would extend the province's ban on the wearing of religious symbols to ...
I've worked for The Associated Press as a photographer since 1999. A lot of what I cover involves either Iran's government or ...
Young, urban women in Afghanistan are increasingly ditching the all-enveloping blue burqa with a face mesh that has become a ...
Lifetime Suleman wears a long-sleeve shirt, fingerless gloves, a neck guard, a sun hat that covers everything but a slit for her eyes and sunglasses. She even wears the outfit to work out in the gym.