The startup uses AI to quickly search for minerals over wide areas, identifying promising potential deposits for exploration.
Of all the weird things you can find on Google Maps, Montana might be home to one of the most charming landmarks. When you search Google for 'cool stuff in Montana' - this isn't something that comes ...
Researchers from IISER Pune, University of Kashmir, and IIT Bombay and Roorkee, among others, studied 5,807 rock glaciers in ...
Geemap is intended for students and researchers, who would like to utilize the Python ecosystem of diverse libraries and tools to explore Google Earth Engine. It is also designed for existing GEE ...
NASA is tracking a bus-sized asteroid zipping past the Earth at nearly 16,000 miles per hour today. The asteroid, known as "2025 DM7," is estimated to be about 42 feet across and soared past our ...
Lucy Notarantonio is Newsweek's Senior Lifestyle and Trends Reporter, based in Birmingham, UK. Her focus is trending stories and human interest features ranging from health, pets and travel.