On the wall of what had been his cell we saw inscribed Niemoller’s famous words. No doubt every one of us could write our own, most-apt-for-us version of them. May we get all together as we are ...
Under pressure from Trump and with Russia menacing, Germany's incoming leader plans to revamp the country's defense posture.
There is no scientific evidence for this “Wuhan Lab Theory”–nor can it be scientifically proven. It is a conspiracy theory ...
The government of Germany updated travel guidance for people traveling to the United States after three of its citizens were ...
Thousands of Israeli protesters Wednesday turned out to oppose the resumption of Israeli military attacks in Gaza and Prime ...
Workers on Wednesday rearranged the blue seats in the chamber of the lower house of parliament, or Bundestag. After each ...
German voters have had their say. Now their verdict is being turned into reality underneath the glass dome of Berlin's ...
Germany's parliament approved plans for a massive spending surge on Tuesday, throwing off decades of fiscal conservatism in ...
German Football Federation (DFB) general manager Andreas Rettig has admitted to mixed feelings about the United States being ...
For one Kansas City business owner, in her jam-packed party store, global issues are affecting the shelves here at home.
The move comes as Europe scrambles to strengthen its security amid concerns over U.S. commitments under President Donald ...
An incoming government wants to borrow much more to revamp the economy and rebuild the military. That means a change in the ...