If your only experience with Garmins is from that one rental car a few years back, it may surprise you that some of them, mostly the handheld outdoor units, allow custom maps. This sounds cool ...
Garmin Ltd. (NYSE: GRMN) launched in 1989 with the sole focus of providing GPS devices for consumers. Years later, the advent ...
Fish finder technology has leaped forward in the past few years, from bottom flashers and scrolls of paper to modern digital displays. The most advanced fish finders push the limits of sonar and ...
The Garmin HUD is a very neat device, putting all your navigational info, from ETA, what lane you should be in, and distance to your next turn right on your windscreen in a heads-up display.
This profile has not been claimed by the company. See reviews below to learn more or submit your own review. Garmin develops navigation and wearable technology. Its automotive products include GPS ...
There is no ignoring the fact that most of us now use our smartphones for satellite navigation. Apps like Google Maps, Waze and Apple Maps have changed the game when it comes to getting from A to ...