A decade after the emergence of beech leaf disease (BLD) in northeast Ohio, a new study by researchers at The Holden ...
Darkened, thickened bands between leaf veins—seen here on an American beech leaf—are characteristic symptoms of beech leaf disease (BLD). First detected in northeastern Ohio in 2012, BLD has since ...
But it’s hard to beat smooth hydrangea, which can be chopped back drastically and still reach 3 to 5 feet tall during the ...
The cells that make up the walls of the finest of all lymphatic vessels have a lobate, oak leaf-like shape that makes them particularly resilient to changes in fluid volume. A similar cell shape also ...
Knowing which plants to prune in spring can be difficult. However, to make it easier, gardening experts have shared a ...
As the fires that ravaged Los Angeles in January ebbed, many trees were left standing next to burnt down homes. Here’s why.
What makes this process even more interesting is that you are not limited to just forsythia and a few other plants. Look ...
Like clockwork, roots would appear on the bottom of each cutting, sometimes just three weeks after planting. By the end of summer, even the sluggish varieties had roots.
Through a course in dendrology, the study of the taxonomy of woody plants in the absence of flowers or fruits, two experts in ...
Botanist Andrea Bianchi and local plant experts Aloyce Mwakisoma and his brother Ruben were exploring two tiny village forest ...
Driving down-Island last week, we were heartened when we saw the explosion of yellow blooms on the grand forsythia tree in ...
You'll probably be able to renovate a big old shrub instead of removing it and replacing it. Two techniques will get the job ...