These pretty, early spring flowers are the first to pop up in the garden. That’s what makes hellebores, winter heath and ...
Spring officially begins each year on the Vernal Equinox on March 20. That’s what your calendar says. Ask a group of ...
Cut branches forced into bloom can help add sunshine to those gloomy winter days and it is not hard to coax many into flower. Branches from cherry, plum, forsythia, apple, ...
Western Oregon: Prune fall-bearing raspberries (in late-February or early-March). Plant windowsill container garden of herbs ...
Forsythia can also be effective at controlling erosion ... If you're looking to plant a few trees to stabilize large areas of loose soil, a steep embankment, or a river bank, consider adding one or ...
Thought you were all done with gardening chores for the winter? Not so fast. Now is the perfect time to prune your trees and shrubs.
They have had a chance to finish all of that work and acclimate to the cold. Both trees and summer-blooming shrubs should be pruned in late winter to early spring before bud break. As for spring ...
This oak tree has stood in this very spot since long before he or I walked the Earth. It is early winter when MacKenzie, an atmospheric scientist and director of Birmingham University Institute ...
The decorative Easter egg tree tradition has German roots.Southern tradition predicts that your mother likely has a photo of you in your Easter Sunday best, standing beside a juvenile dogwood tree ...