This groundbreaking social fashion fair, The Show Miami, started with a ribbon-cutting ceremony by Mayor Steven Meiner, ...
Some Texas lawmakers insist that a small business carveout in HB 1709, called the Texas Responsible AI Governance Act (TRAIGA), will shield fledgling businesses from its Euro-style micromanagement ...
Poor kids, kids with disabilities, kids who want to go to career, tech ed, kids who are first generation ... taking opportunity away from kids that don’t have it. So billionaires - kids of ...
American Federation of Teachers president Randi Weingarten appeared to change her tune on the Department of Education Saturday, getting heated over the prospect of its elimination after previously ...
Multi-disciplinary artist Indu Antony is back with her long-standing pet project, Cecilia’ed (an artistic intervention that reimagines gender dynamics and safety of women in public spaces), which is ...
Inexplicably, sales of Hunter’s high-priced art are crumbling with Dad out of office. Jasper Colt USA Today Network file photo There’s tragic news out of the Biden family this week.
Sales of his paintings went from 27 before to just one most recently. Sales of his books went down 75%, according to an affidavit filed with a federal district court in California. If you can ...
Both Don Ed Hardy and Laurie Steelink refuse to adhere to traditional artistic hierarchies, an attitude they have shared throughout their 30-year friendship.
Under LEARNS, private schools do have to administer tests — but they can use tests of their own choosing, and they don’t have to ... said he “applaud[ed] Wooten’s passion” and lamented ...