Dungeons & Dragonsprovides more than a chance to beat up fantasy in mortal combat or fine-tune a character sheet for optimal results. This game also has strong roleplaying and lore, which immerses ...
The nonprofit agency has operated a winter warming center for homeless residents since 2019, first as Pottstown LIFT (Living in Faith Together) and then as Pottstown Beacon of Hope. After ...
This Humble Bundle is offering over $400 of Kobold Press’ Dungeons and Dragons sourcebooks, with a portion of profits going ...
Takes you closer to the games, movies and TV you love Issues delivered straight to your door or device ...
Credit: 1985 Games A wondrous world of Studio Ghibli-inspired shenanigans has just opened up on D&D Beyond, and things are about to get strange for dungeon masters and Dungeons & Dragons players ...
Dungeons & Dragons rules kept the most important rules of 5e intact, including Concentration, a truly vital tool for ...
Holocaust education in Muslim countries provides a glimmer of hope. Through education, conversation, and common values, Muslim and Jewish communities can progress toward greater understanding and ...
Understanding that everyone deserves a helping hand no matter what. Thats why the nonprofit Joy Junction helps as many as 350 people every day. When someone steps through the doors of Joy Junction ...
Overpowered Monks can combine deadly unarmed attacks with powerful spellcasting abilities. Monks excel when paired with specific weapons, enhancing their effectiveness in battle. Some Monks can ...
Political slogans are not a new concept. “Make America Great Again” is the result of a 2016 campaign that was able to identify a deep-seated feeling that many Americans believed ...
Students and staff to honor PE teacher who was killed in Isle of Wight crash Kristin Felts, though she taught in Smithfield, was a big part of the Franklin community and a beacon of hope for many ...