It looks like must-see stuff.) “So I heard you played some doubles with Mr. Smooth tennis announcer, Cliff Drysdale? What was that like?" Yes, you heard correctly. For those of who don’t know ...
ESPN commentators Cliff Drysdale and Mary Carillo barely believed in the kid from Belgrade. "Let's talk about the guy he's taking on today, Novak Djokovic," Drysdale said on air. "What do we know ...
I went down to Miami on Monday to spend some time with Cliff Drysdale for a story that will run inTennis magazine's May tribute to 40 years of Open tennis (the era began in 1968, when Wimbledon ...
Drysdale was acknowledged as a great natural ... I felt obliged to ask him if he felt he'd made the most of his talent and career. Cliff told me that he could have worked harder (following the ...