Most of their efforts will never see the light of day. But sometimes the crank is Karl Marx, and the book being written is Capital. Upon beginning work on his magnum opus in the Reading Room of ...
What was Marx's prognosis for the capitalist system that he knew? The answer lies in that enormous work Das Kapital (Capital). It was 18 years in process; in 1851 it was to be done "in five weeks ...
A lecture on the first published translation of Karl Marx’s “Das Kapital” in half a century was held on Thursday in the Fine ...
Jan. 25): The deeper criticism Marx leveled against capitalism, unfair or not, may be even more relevant to all populists today. That would be the dehumanization of a world that, he said ...
Although there are other reasons for the lack of a Sraffian impact on the mainstream, this article argues that it is possible to combine the critiques of Marx and Sraffa as a way to focus attention on ...
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