長長人龍看不見盡頭,等候區全是滿滿人潮,金門廈門之間的小三通遊客,快將通關碼頭擠爆。旅客說道,「趁著228連假,第一次要去大陸玩。」228連假第1日,金門小三通的海運疏運,客船班班客滿。根據金門縣統計 ...
花蓮退休教師葉春蓮因嗆聲國民黨立法院黨團總召傅崐萁遭架離出場,推拉過程引起爭議,一名大力拉扯的國民黨余姓黨工涉犯強制罪,花檢訊後諭令新台幣1萬元交保。對於推拉爭議,傅崐萁昨天公開致歉;葉春蓮今天接受媒體採訪表示,「除非他停止現在所有親共賣國的行為、把他們在立法院通過的那些爛法全部廢掉重來,我才有可能考慮要不要接受他的道歉。」 ...
Five days after parliamentary elections on February 23, the leaders of the two political parties in talks to form a coalition – Friedrich Merz, president of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU ...
俄烏戰爭3週年(圖/美聯社資料照)俄烏戰爭在2月24日屆滿3週年,俄國已控制烏克蘭約18%的領土,且官方也未透露實際的死傷人數。24日當天,世界多地民眾手持標語、走上街頭,以行動為烏克蘭發聲。俄烏最新 ...
(圖/美聯社) 據CNN報導,在德國提前舉行選舉之後,中右翼的基民盟保守派(CDU)將重新執政。最新民調指,CDU此次選舉的支持率將達到28.8%,成為該國第一大黨,這意味著CDU總理候選人 ...
【周恩華/綜合外電】全球主要國家的政治氣候似乎已經向右轉向了,以美國總統川普(Donald Trump)為首的保守勢力,打著反移民的共同訴求,紛紛在許多國家取得大選的勝利。最新的戰果是 ...
Germany's Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and its Bavarian CSU sister party secured a win in the recent election, positioning themselves to spearhead the next government coalition. Their campaign ...
After underperforming in the vote, the CDU/CSU will depend on a coalition partner of partners to govern. Still, having vowed not to work with the second-place AfD, Merz may have limited room to ...
In Germany, Friedrich Merz is set to become the next German chancellor after his conservative CDU party placed first in Sunday’s election. Merz said Germany and Europe must achieve independence ...
[Newtalk新聞] 德國在當地時間23日舉行國會大選投票,保守派政黨「基督教民主黨與基督教社會黨聯盟」(CDU)有望以28.5%的得票率成為德國國會最大 ...
The CDU/CSU received approximately 28.5% of votes in Sunday’s election, coming in close to the 30% support estimated ahead of the polls. This will put them in first place, but their victory is ...
Germany's top opposition leader Friedrich Merz is set to become the country's next leader after exit polls in the federal election held Sunday show his centre-right CDU party unassailably in front.